Ethic dtc

Ethic dtc

Despite the fact that Ethic is a relatively new brand as far as the name is concerned, it already has a longer history, story and set goals and wishes behind it.

It was founded after the failure of District and Addict. Ethic dtc, as their name suggests, want to follow ethics in a money-driven world, and their vision is to make quality freestyle scooter parts available to anyone.

Their goal is to make riders independent and allow them to make choices to maximize their scootering experience.

Ethic Legion V2 Fork SCS
Ethic DTC Grip
Ethic Erawan V2 Deck 500
Ethic Incube V2 12STD 115mm 88A (1ks)
Ethic V3 Steel Brake
Ethic Erawan V2 S
Ethic Erawan V2 M
Ethic Slim Grips
Ethic Osmose Silicone Headset
Ethic Pandemonium V2 Boxed 540 Deck
Ethic Merrow V3 Fork IHC
Ethic Tenacity T V2 720
Ethic Tenacity T V2 770
Ethic Valkyria Clamp
Ethic Incube V2 100mm 88A (1ks)
Ethic Pandora Deck 560